Massive Global Sweep: White Hats Launch Attack on Network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS), Rescuing Over 150,000 Children from Satanic Cabal, with Over 30,000 Arrested in Secret Raids!

By Ethan White The operations spanned from California to New York, and international locations including the Vatican and Venice, Italy; the Hague; New Zealand; South America; and Lebanon. White hats under directives from President Trump, have uncovered more of the extensive network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) such as those beneath the Denver Airport. A … Continue reading Massive Global Sweep: White Hats Launch Attack on Network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS), Rescuing Over 150,000 Children from Satanic Cabal, with Over 30,000 Arrested in Secret Raids!

Famous model who killed herself in 2008 revealed to have visited Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedo island” two years prior

01/07/2024 // Ethan Huff // A new revelation has emerged about the late Kazakh-Russian model Ruslana Korshunova, who in 2008 leapt to her untimely death from her Wall Street apartment at the ripe young age of 20. It has just been revealed that two years prior to committing suicide when she was just 18 years old, Korshunova was flown … Continue reading Famous model who killed herself in 2008 revealed to have visited Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedo island” two years prior

New Jeffrey Epstein documents prove that Trump DID NOT visit Epstein home or island

01/07/2024 // Arsenio Toledo  The latest series of unsealed files related to the late convicted pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein have proven that former President Donald Trump did not visit Epstein's home or his infamous island, nor did he have any contact with any underage girls trafficked by Epstein. Senior Judge of the United States District Court … Continue reading New Jeffrey Epstein documents prove that Trump DID NOT visit Epstein home or island

BOMBSHELL: Epstein list names 170 A-list celebrities, politicians and leading figures linked to infamous child trafficker

01/07/2024 // Ethan Huff  Many of the names associated with pedophile pervert Jeffrey Epstein are now public, thanks to unsealed court papers in a defamation case against Ghislaine Maxwell, who is currently serving a 20-year jail sentence for trafficking underage girls to Epstein. Virginia Roberts, now known as Virginia Giuffre, claims she was forced to have sex … Continue reading BOMBSHELL: Epstein list names 170 A-list celebrities, politicians and leading figures linked to infamous child trafficker

Inside the War Between President Trump and His Generals

How Traitor General Mark Milley and others in the Pentagon handled the national-security threat posed by their own Commander-in-Chief. JAG and the Office of Military Commission claim to have evidence linking former Defense Secretary Jim MATTIS, Gen. Mark MILLEY, and the bastard Lloyd AUSTIN to the Deep State’s Christmas Day assault on Guantanamo Bay to tactically rescue … Continue reading Inside the War Between President Trump and His Generals

The Satanic roots of the left’s All-Out War on Christian American

Today, America is disintegrating – indeed, it is on the very brink of destruction. How can this possibly have happened? And more important, can America be saved? From late-term abortion and advocacy for children undergoing gender transitions, to leaving the United States southern border open for a foreign invasion, followed by the indoctrination of American … Continue reading The Satanic roots of the left’s All-Out War on Christian American

INSANITY: Mainstream media want Trump to be ASSASSINATED to prevent him from winning the election

Mainstream media outlets in the United States may have "greenlit" a possible assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump due to fears that he may win next year's presidential election. This comes after the Washington Post published an opinion piece from contributing editor Robert Kagan titled "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending." Political commentator Lisa … Continue reading INSANITY: Mainstream media want Trump to be ASSASSINATED to prevent him from winning the election