Fauci Admits Social Distancing Has No Basis; Wuhan Lab-leak Hypothesis Is Not Conspiracy Theory

by Belle Carter | Natural News January 15th 2024 Former White House Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci, the public face of the United States Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic response, just finished his second day of closed-door testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, where he admitted that his public health mandate social distancing had no … Continue reading Fauci Admits Social Distancing Has No Basis; Wuhan Lab-leak Hypothesis Is Not Conspiracy Theory

NARRATIVE COLLAPSE: Washington Post retracts Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s Oct. 7 Hamas rape claims

01/08/2024 // Ethan Huff  At the behest of the Israeli government, the Washington Post has self-censored a report it published claiming, falsely, that Hamas militants had specific orders on Oct. 7 indicating "which commander should rape which soldiers." The fabrication came from none other than Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant who apparently lied to the Post about Hamas militants raping Israeli soldiers … Continue reading NARRATIVE COLLAPSE: Washington Post retracts Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s Oct. 7 Hamas rape claims

DHS funds woke university programs that label the “Manosphere” a terror threat

01/07/2024 // Cassie B.  Whether it’s news articles about Hunter Biden's many questionable activities or social media posts warning about the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, those in power do their best to silence those who dare to go against their interests – and now they appear to be quite openly setting their sights on “the Manosphere”. … Continue reading DHS funds woke university programs that label the “Manosphere” a terror threat

Biden’s executive order to “censor” AI: Another measure to weaponize the federal government against free speech?

01/02/2024 // By Belle Carter Back in October, President Joe Biden issued a "landmark" executive order (EO) regulating the development and utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) ensuring "trustworthiness" and preventing "discriminatory algorithms." It is said to mitigate against the risks posed by the technology while promoting "responsible innovation." "The Executive Order establishes new standards for AI safety and … Continue reading Biden’s executive order to “censor” AI: Another measure to weaponize the federal government against free speech?

The Imposing Reality of Martial Law: Authority’s Absolute Reign and Awakening of FEMA Camps

Martial Law, at its core, represents the suspension of normal civil governance in favor of military rule. Should Martial Law be a nationwide decree or selectively applied? By Medeea Greere November 8, 2023 In the corners of governmental power, where authority clashes with the cries for order amidst chaos, the specter of Martial Law looms, ever … Continue reading The Imposing Reality of Martial Law: Authority’s Absolute Reign and Awakening of FEMA Camps

“Hang Him!” Adm. Stephens Says of Corrupt Army Major David Dunbar….But Without Tribunal!

By Michael Baxter - October 6, 2023 Senior JAG prosecutor Rear Adm. Johnathon T. Stephens set a double precedent last week. A Camp Blaz source told Real Raw News that Stephens unilaterally convicted a U.S. Army major of treason, among other egregious crimes, and ordered that he be hanged at once. As reported in August, … Continue reading “Hang Him!” Adm. Stephens Says of Corrupt Army Major David Dunbar….But Without Tribunal!


The Whites Hats are publicly putting Obama on the center stage for 2024 and and his life corruption and AGENDAS connected to ALL DEEP STATE OPERATIONS: TUCKER Carlson coming after Obama as being gay is a very important operation that WILL discredit the OBAMA'S for their next presidential big runbut the EXPOSURE of Obama as … Continue reading CENTER STAGE< 🎥